10 ways to earn from your smartphone in Jamaica

10 ways to earn from your smartphone in Jamaica

Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link. This means that you will be directed to another website and I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

This post is from my official blog, The Drama Free Club.  I posted it here because I wanted to share a few ways through which you can earn an income from your smartphone in Jamaica. I've seen several Facebook posts where Jamaicans are asking about ways to earn a legitimate side income from Jamaica because not many of the offers online are available for Jamaicans. Here are 10 things that you can do to earn a legitimate side income from your smartphone  in Jamaica.

 1. Start an online soap business.

Yes, you can operate a full-time soap business from your smartphone. All you have to do is to reach out to a supplier that does white labeling, set up a Facebook or Instagram business page, and promote your soap business. Today, more people are taking care of their skin and are requiring quality products to enhance the health and beauty of their skin. You can tap into the skincare market with fade bars, vitamin C serums, skin cleansing bars, etc.  You can deliver to your customers in person, by zip mail, or by courier.

2. Start an online hair business.

The cosmetic industry is by far one of the most lucrative industries that you can think of. Why not earn your share of income. Like the soap business, you would need a supplier that sells quality hair. Believe me, quality sells, no matter the cost! You can promote your products using a Facebook or Instagram page where customers can contact you regarding your products. It's that simple. The best part is that you don't need to keep an inventory of items. That's handled by your supplier. Just collect your orders and have your supplier fulfill them.

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3. Join an affiliate program.

Become an Affiliate Marketer and earn your share of monthly commissions from each referral. If you're new to affiliate marketing there are many free courses online that can get you up to speed. There are also affiliate spaces on Quora that provide valuable information about affiliate marketing. You can also join Facebook groups that are created specifically for affiliate marketers. With such information at your fingertips, you can't afford to lose out, get educated, join an affiliate program and start earning a commission.

4. Start a YouTube channel.

You can create your own YouTube channel. Whether it's educational, funny videos, family videos, tutorials, music videos, dance videos, etc. You can earn a living by monetizing your YouTube channel. Of course, you're going to need subscribers. According to the YouTube Partner Program requirements, you need at least 1,000 subscribers to be eligible to monetize your account through their program. But you can start out by promoting your videos on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, ask your followers to subscribe and share the link to your channel. You can have an influencer give you free a shout-out. You can also join YouTube promotion groups on Facebook to grow your subscribers.

5. Sell stock photos online.

Put those pixels to work. Capture beautiful photos wherever you go. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Photos tell their own story and people are fascinated with photos. Why not sell them online. The best part about this is that you don't need to be a professional photographer. Start selling stock photos online today. Below are some places where you can sell your photos. Feel free to visit these websites and see what works best for you.

  • Alamy
  • 500px
  • SmugMug Pro
  • Shutterstock
  • iStock Photo
  • Etsy
  • Getty Images
  • Stocksy

6. Start a necklace, tote bag, or bracelet business.

Put your craft to work. Start by selling beautifully handcrafted jewelry. Bring your creativity to life. Create your bracelets and necklaces with your own unique designs. Launch your Facebook or Instagram page and promote your products to your target audience.

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7. Sell homemade cookies.

Are you good at baking? Well, even if you are not, YouTube can help you. There are hundreds of tutorials available. You can start your homemade cookie business. Start by selling your freshly baked cookies to those in your community. You can have them spread the word about your business to their family and friends. Who knows, before long you may need help to operate your business. Don't forget to promote your business on your social media handles and share customer testimonials as well.

8. Create a blog.

Create interesting content that will be of great significance to your readers. People are searching online every day. Provide them with the quality content that they need. Research evergreen content within your niche and get to work. You can monetize your blog by posting affiliate links or signing up for Google Adsense. You would need to promote your blog though in order to drive targeted traffic to it. You would also need to set up your SEO that will help to boost your organic traffic. Pinterest, Quora, Twitter, Medium, Facebook, and Tumblr are great platforms to promote your blog. Remember the no spamming rule, keep your content fresh and original to help boost your search engine rankings. Write for people, not search engines!

9. Upload funny videos online

Many amateur comedians have been able to launch a successful comedy career via social media. Videos are more likely to go viral on social media and amass thousands of views. All you need is a video creator app and you can start compiling your videos. Upload your videos on your social media handles and have your followers reshare. The more consistent and creative you are with your videos. The more chances you have of growing your following. The best part about this is that you can earn a sustainable income from your video production by doing paid shout-outs. It's worth a shot!

10. Become a brand ambassador for a clothing or footwear company.

You can become a brand ambassador for a clothing or footwear company by promoting their products to your following. All you have to do is upload pictures online of yourself wearing their products and share your reviews about their products. You will earn a commission for representing their brand. Additionally, you'll get many of their sample products, that you'll keep for yourself, how cool is that!

 There is no overnight success to any of these side incomes that I have mentioned above. Yes, there are persons who earn a steady income from these, but you will need to put in the work and resources if you want to see the results.  This doesn't mean that you'll have to slave yourself on any of these, but you must be willing to do your research, so you can arm yourself with the right information, before attempting any of these. Work smarter, not harder. The end crowns the work.


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