5 Best tips to make your blog more attractive.


5 Best tips to make your blog more attractive.

Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link. This means that you will be directed to another website and I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

 If you received a call that one of the most prominent figures in your country is coming to your house. Wouldn't you want to get your house in order to make that person feel welcomed? I'm sure that you'd make all the necessary arrangements to get your house in tip-top shape. Even if it costs you extra money. You'd go all out to ensure that your guest feels at home. Your blog is no different; if you want your visitors to keep coming back to your blog, it should be kept in tip-top shape. Here are a few things that you can do to keep your blog tidy.

1. Avoid too many pop-up ads.

I find these to be quite annoying, and I'm sure that there are many others like me. If I'm reading an article that has numerous pop-up ads, I leave it immediately. I'm sure that you'd want people to stay on your blog. If you have a high exit rate; that's something you should really look into.

2. Choose a simple blog theme.

Don't make your blog too fussy. Use a simple theme that flows well with your content. Try to avoid all the fancy fonts. Some of them are difficult to read, and they increase your load time. Choose a simple font style and size that makes your writing legible. 


Avoid cramming your content too much. No one wants to hear you rambling on and on. It's better to get straight to the point. The majority of the time people skim through what you have written. Try to write more digestible content with shorter paragraphs. What matters most is that you've covered your major points. Longer isn't always better!

 Another thing that you need to pay attention to is your comments section. Try to keep it as spam-free as possible. It's best to have your visitors' comments go through a moderation process where you can manage them. Tools like Akismet can help to filter your comments.

3. Use high-quality photos.

Image is everything.  I hate reading blogs with dull images. Pexels and Unsplash have a variety of beautiful stock photos. There are also other sites like Canva where you can get royalty-free images from. If you'd rather use your original photos, ensure that they are beautifully captured. Remember that you can also do your own adjustments to make them appear more appealing.

4. Avoid too many grammatical errors.

It's okay to have a few errors here and there, but multiple grammatical errors can ruin your blog. Spend some time to review and edit what you have written. Multiple grammatical errors are a huge turn-off. Tools like Grammarly will help to take care of these.

5. Make your blog easy to use.

Remember that everyone isn't tech-savvy. Keep your blog as user-friendly as possible. Don't keep your visitors second-guessing where they should go to find the information that they need. If your blog is too complicated, you'll have more visitors exiting your content. They don't have the time or patience to sit before their devices trying to figure out how to use your blog.

Make a good first impression. Keep your blog neat and clean. Remember to always make your visitors feel welcomed. Thanks for reading.



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